
我们通过“脉冲:十大菠菜靠谱老平台民意调查”倾听的承诺包括找出优先事项, concerns and hopes of our growing and diverse AAPI population.

亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民(AAPI)约占科罗拉多州人口的4%, and its a growing population. 我们通过“脉冲:十大菠菜靠谱老平台民意调查”倾听的承诺包括找出优先事项, concerns and hopes of our growing and diverse AAPI population.

The term “AAPI” is a broad one, encompassing people who identify as Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese, as well as Filipino, Indian and South Asian. Each community under the AAPI umbrella possesses unique histories, beliefs, values and lived experiences. 每个社区都为科罗拉多州的社会、文化和经济做出了巨大贡献. Far too often, 这些社区的身份被排除在国家的故事之外, leading to less research, resources and attention from decision-makers and others in power.

Pulse is one way to build a deeper understanding of AAPI Coloradans. Through Pulse, in August 2021, 我们采访了143名被认为是亚裔美国人或太平洋岛民的科罗拉多人. 感谢帮助我们传播Pulse的社区合作伙伴, we had the opportunity to interview more AAPI Coloradans, and achieve a larger and more diverse sample, than last year. While we would have liked to talk to even more AAPI adults, that number of interviews gives us confidence in sharing what we learned. Here’s a bit of what we heard:

The Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

围绕COVID-19大流行起源的言论和错误信息在全国范围内加剧了反亚洲仇恨和暴力浪潮. 自2020年新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,针对亚太裔的仇恨犯罪有所增加 nearly 150%, and 3,800 anti-Asian incidents have been reported nationally. In 2021, 大多数(51%)的受访者认为,种族偏见和歧视是科罗拉多州面临的一个非常严重的问题.

We simply cannot talk about COVID-19 without acknowledging this violence, and yet it is just one way AAPI Coloradans are impacted by the pandemic. Economically, many AAPI respondents are struggling. In the last year, more than a quarter (27%) have had their work hours and/or wages reduced, and 14% have been laid off. Looking ahead, 17% of AAPI Coloradans are worried about affording their rent or mortgage, 18%的人担心他们将无法足够养活家人.

AAPI Coloradans, and everyone in our state, 无疑会在未来几年感受到冠状病毒大流行的财务影响吗. 近七成(69%)的亚太裔科罗拉多州人表示,冠状病毒对经济造成的损害是一个非常严重的问题, 他们希望州政府对此有所作为:79%的人支持增加政府在刺激就业和经济增长的项目上的支出.

Concerns about Health Care and Mental Well-Being

Over the past 18 months, as the COVID-19 pandemic has touched all of our lives, worries about health and well-being have become more prominent. For many AAPI Coloradans, 获得和提供高质量的保健服务既是当前的挑战,也是预计明年将继续存在的重大关切.

去年,37%的亚太裔受访者推迟了医疗或牙科护理. 其中一个原因可能是成本:四分之三(75%)的AAPI科罗拉多州人认为医疗保健成本是一个非常严重的问题, and 34% are worried they, or someone in their household, will have to go without health insurance in the next year. In addition to concerns about affordability, 许多apapi科罗拉多人对我们州的医疗保健系统是否会公平对待他们持怀疑态度:48%的人认为他们比白人科罗拉多人更有可能获得质量差或不足的医疗保健.

Along with these concerns about the affordability and quality of care, 大多数亚太裔科罗拉多人也报告说,他们的精神健康遇到了挑战, such as anxiety (63%) and excessive worrying (53%). Many have experienced difficulty focusing (49%), grief or loss (44%), depression (39%) and difficulty connecting with family and friends (35%). Meanwhile, 去年报告精神健康压力的亚太裔科罗拉多州人中,只有34%的人与健康专业人士讨论过这个问题.


The Model Minority Myth

Nationally, and in Colorado, 亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民受到模范少数族裔神话的伤害, 一种基于刻板印象的错误叙述,使有色人种群体相互对立. As Sarah-Soonling Blackburn wrote: “This myth characterizes Asian Americans as a polite, 他们是一群遵纪守法的人,通过天赋和“自力更生”的移民努力,他们取得了比普通人更高的成功.”

Evidence of the persistence of this myth emerged in 2021 Pulse data. 我们询问了所有种族和民族背景的受访者,他们是否认为与科罗拉多州白人相比,亚裔美国人更有可能遭受不公平待遇. 我们了解到的是,科罗拉多人不太可能相信亚裔美国人面临不公平待遇, compared to White Coloradans and other communities of color. However, AAPI respondents do 认为像自己这样的人更有可能在警察互动和住房中遭受不公平待遇.







Compared to White Coloradans, 你认为亚裔科罗拉多人更容易还是更不容易经历以下情况...









Black/African American



Asian/Pacific Islander






Native American



All People of Color



Be treated unfairly by police
























Be treated unfairly when seeking to rent or buy a home
























亚裔美国人享有更多特权的观念在科罗拉多州所有种族中都很普遍. The Model Minority Myth does not uplift AAPI Coloradans. In fact, 这种虚假叙述的盛行分裂了我们的社区,分散了我们的注意力,我们需要打破和挑战在我们的制度和文化中不公平对待亚太裔人士的方式. 2021年Pulse的数据提醒我们,消除结构性种族主义首先要讲述一个更完整、更准确的亚裔科罗拉多人的生活经历和观点.

Dig Deeper

这些来自Pulse的数据只是我们在询问亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的担忧时听到的一部分, experiences and priorities. 对AAPI科罗拉多人进行的研究太少,对这些多面社区的了解也太不完整.

We invite you to use our interactive Pulse dashboard 深入挖掘数据,了解亚太裔受访者如何回答我们提出的每一个问题.

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